Acupuncture for three months or more before fertility treatments can make a difference in egg quality. Acupuncture is know as an ideal companion treatment for an IVF transfer. This is getting a treatment before and after the transfer of an embryo into the uterus. But perhaps lesser known, but equally important is the effects that acupuncture can Continue Reading
Why is Cold Food So bad for Fertility?
One of the strongest pieces of advise we in Chinese medicine give our patients is to avoid "cold food." What do we mean by cold food, and what makes it so bad for fertility? Cold food isn't only to be avoided for fertility, but minimizing the intake of cold food is considered better for our digestion and overall health too. Cold food, in terms Continue Reading
Conceive with Acupuncture- How early should you start trying acupuncture?
Time and time again patients wish they discovered, and tried acupuncture to help them conceive, and have a healthy pregnancy much sooner then they did. By the time many people decide to google acupuncture and pregnancy, they may have already been struggling for years to conceive, had multiple miscarriages, and had an IVF cycle or two that didn't Continue Reading
Acupuncture San Diego: Preparing for IVF with Acupuncture-What you need to know
If your like a lot of people who see me at my San Diego office, you are seeking acupuncture to assist with the success of your IVF cyle. Perhaps you just heard about fertility acupuncture, and are wondering if it is too late at this point, or it can still help. Here is how acupuncture can benefit you: Fortunately. acupuncture can help at a number Continue Reading
San Diego Acupuncture Fertility: Three Dietary Tips That Can Boost Your Fertility
The patients of my San Diego acupuncture clinic who are seeking treatment for fertility problems often ask me "what can I change about my diet that can improve my chances to successfully become pregnant?" I want to share three major tips Traditional Chinese Medicine has to offer women trying to conceive. And yes, men can benfit from these as Continue Reading
San Diego Acupunture: Golfer’s Elbow
As a follow up to an older post about tennis elbow, another recent patient of mine came in to my San Diego Acupuncture clinic with his wife for fertility boosting prior to an IVF cycle. In the process, I first helped get rid of his nagging, golf-related upper back pain. We then focused a few teratments on his golfer's elbow (inner elbow pain). All Continue Reading
Introducing our New Massage Therapist
I would like to introduce our new massage therapist Adria Ross. She is actually more then a massage therapist. She is an HHP (Holistic Health Practitioner). That's a lot more training then just a massage therapist. Adria has been trained in a wide variety of modalities from Deep Tissue to Reiki, as well as Fertility Massage. She also does hot Continue Reading
Temperature charting can help with treating infertility
It might be a bit of a chore, but I find temperature charting to be an invaluable tool in the treatment of female fertility related problems. Tracking your basal body temperature allows us a glimpse into the unique cycle of your body. It gives me, the acupuncturist, objective information that we can compare to your pulse, tongue and case history Continue Reading