General Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
A traditional Chinese medicine therapy, acupuncture involves the placement of extremely fine needles into specific points throughout the body. The treatment facilitates the body’s natural flow of energy to improve functioning and promote healing.
Does treatment hurt?
If an acupuncture needle is inserted correctly you should feel, at most, a very minimal sensation as it passes through the skin. It is nothing like getting an injection, and the needles are only slightly thicker then a hair. Later, you may experience a heavy sensation around the insertion sites. This is completely normal, and lets you know the acupuncture is working. Most patients find that acupuncture is a relaxing experience.
When will I start seeing results?
For some conditions, such as back pain or headaches, improvement is typically experienced after the initial treatment. Other conditions require 4 to 6 treatments before significant improvement is noticeable. During your first visit to Hollander Acupuncture in San Diego, our licensed acupuncturist will review your specific health concerns, the benefits of acupuncture, and treatment expectations with you in more detail.
What are the herbs? How do they work?
Chinese medical herbology is another aspect of traditional Chinese medicine that is commonly used in conjunction with acupuncture for improved results. Unlike many conventional medicines, the herbs are a natural treatment option with little to no side effects. Based on your individual needs, a combination of herbs may be recommended to treat specific conditions or to improve overall health.
Will my problem return if I stop treatments?
Certain types of chronic conditions, often where there is degeneration, may return without occasional maintenance treatments. Problems that are triggered by stress, or emotional causes, can also resurface if those triggers are stimulated. Maintenance treatments keep the improvements going, and are spaced out according to each person’s unique needs.
What if I feel worse after treatment?
Although uncommon, a certain amount of people may feel a slight increase of their symptoms, several hours to one day after an initial treatment. This is a sign that the body is detoxifying. To aid this process, drink a lot of water and allow the day to pass. The following day will usually show a marked improvement.
Can I fill out forms before my first appointment?
Yes, you can download these forms online: