Acupuncture for three months or more before fertility treatments can make a difference in egg quality. Acupuncture is know as an ideal companion treatment for an IVF transfer. This is getting a treatment before and after the transfer of an embryo into the uterus. But perhaps lesser known, but equally important is the effects that acupuncture can Continue Reading
Acupuncture San Diego: Preparing for IVF with Acupuncture-What you need to know
If your like a lot of people who see me at my San Diego office, you are seeking acupuncture to assist with the success of your IVF cyle. Perhaps you just heard about fertility acupuncture, and are wondering if it is too late at this point, or it can still help. Here is how acupuncture can benefit you: Fortunately. acupuncture can help at a number Continue Reading
New study supports acupunture and IVF
A new study is helping to show the effectiveness of acupuncture's to help women undergoing IVF get pregnant. The analysis was lead by Eric Manheimer, a researcher at University of Maryland School of Medicine, and funded by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The study combines the results of seven smaller studies from Continue Reading