Morning sickness can occur during any part of the pregnancy, but it most commonly starts during week 6-9. It usually improves by the end of the first trimester (week 12), but in stubborn cases it can persist. Symptoms include nausea, queasiness, stomach discomfort, motion sickness, food aversions, aversions to the smell and sight of certain foods.
Earlier pregnancies may be a predictor as to the severity of morning sickness for the next pregnancy.
In Chinese medicine, we believe that the greater the imbalances of the digestive system are going into the pregnancy, the greater the chances of morning sickness and the more severe the symptoms.
Acupuncture and Chinese medicine have a lot to offer in the treatment of morning sickness. Severe cases may initially require several treatments within the first week to get under control. Herbal medicine to treat stomach imbalances may also be included to improve the results for severe cases. Generally, the earlier it is treated, the easier it is to get under control. More info and commonly asked questions here!