A variety of factors can lead to neck, upper back or shoulder pain, including stress, poor posture, whiplash injury, and tendonitis of the shoulder joint. At my acupuncture clinic, pain management therapy for individuals with upper back, or shoulder pain may include a combination of acupuncture and other types of traditional Chinese medicine, such as electro stimulation cupping and Chinese medical herbology. I will develop a safe, effective, and natural treatment plan to address your specific needs. If you’re suffering from neck, upper back, or shoulder pain and have had little success treating it with massage, pain medication and other treatments, you should give acupuncture a try.
I have had a lot of success resolving these issues when other treatments have not. If headaches are also an issue from tension in the neck and shoulders, they can be dealt with at the same time.
If you’re ready to take control of your health once and for all, the first step is to download our free e-book and then, call our office at 619.817.6447 so we can discuss your health care needs. We are never too busy to help you!