Various studies have shown acupuncture to be equally effective as pharmaceuticals in the treatment of milder forms of depression, without the side effects. Milder forms of anxiety are also treatable with acupuncture.
Herbal medicine greatly enhances the acupuncture and keeps the effect of the treatment going between weekly acupuncture sessions. Although acupuncture is effective at treating the symptoms, the longer term goal of treatment is to treat the root of the depression, to prevent it from returning.
In Chinese medicine, depression is related to stagnation in the flow of the body’s qi or energy. In particular, it relates to the liver. When the liver becomes stuck or “depressed,” the emotion follows.
Each organ relates to an emotion. The liver relates to anger, frustration and resentment. The spleen/pancreas relates to worry and over thinking. The kidney relates to fear, the lungs to grief and sadness, and the heart joy. Balancing these organs, and their relationship to the liver through the use of acupuncture points and herbs, is the method of treating depression.
If you are currently taking medication for your depression, or anxiety, acupuncture won’t interfere with your medication.