Some of the basics covered about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine treats infertility. Please leave any questions in the comment section.
Fertility Points Acupuncture - San Diego
Eric Hollander
Some of the basics covered about how acupuncture and Chinese medicine treats infertility. Please leave any questions in the comment section.
"We’re Pregnant! Acupuncture with Eric always did wonders to help me relax and sleep better, and balance out my body. Hubby and I had been trying to conceive for over a year and a half. We were in the unexplained infertility category, we didn’t know what we needed to do. We tried western medicine, but it only messed up my cycle and we decided it wasn’t the route for us. I started weekly acupuncture treatments and herbs and after my first cycle, I’m expecting our first child at 35. Thanks Eric!"
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Acupuncture San Diego
7969 Engineer Rd Suite 209
Phone: 619.817.6447