Time and time again patients wish they discovered, and tried acupuncture to help them conceive, and have a healthy pregnancy much sooner then they did.
By the time many people decide to google acupuncture and pregnancy, they may have already been struggling for years to conceive, had multiple miscarriages, and had an IVF cycle or two that didn’t work out. At this point they are likely dealing with fertility burn out and are ready to give up altogether. Is this you, or someone you know? If so share this article with them!
So when should you start to try acupuncture?
- Almost anybody can benefit from a couple months of acupuncture before trying to conceive. Just like how you would detox and clean up your diet before conceiving, eliminate caffeine and alcohol, processed and junk foods, or shedding a few pounds, acupuncture is a great pre-conception protocol.
- Any women trying to conceive in their 30’s would benefit from starting early with acupuncture. Especially since after age 32 it stays to take a bit longer to conceive and get a pregnancy that sticks. Eggs are a bit older and you have been on this planet doing what humans do longer then someone in their 20’s. Things such as, over or under-exercising working much more, partying, missing sleep, eating maybe not the best diet?
- Anyone trying for several months and is starting to get stressed out or worried. In medical offices they will often tell you that you need to try to conceive for a year before you are considered to have an infertility problem. No need to wait that long to try acupuncture. You may only need a little nudge.
- If someone is getting ready to try IVF for the first time or going for round two after a failed cycle. If IVF is your next stop then the best thing you can do to optimize the cycle and all the money you are about to invest is to prep you body with acupuncture. Ideally, I would love you to come in 3 months ahead of the egg retrieval, but we can often help things on a shorter notice too.
- Before fertility burnout sets in. Trying to conceive using acupuncture take a little time. It is a slow, yet natural medicine that usually need at least 3 months or menstrual cycles. I don’t want you to give up too soon!
I have helped women get pregnancy at all different stages in the process, including last minute acupuncture right on the day of the IUI or IVF. But I know many, many women would benefit from knowing about acupuncture months, or years before they often do. It’s a matter of getting the word out. If you know one of them please pass this on to them!
Eric Hollander, L.Ac. has a practice in San Diego, CA specializing in treating infertility and women’s health issues. He can be reached here and at 619-817-6447.