Many clients at my San Diego acupuncture clinic tell me they have recommended acupuncture to their friends and family members, but they won’t try it, because they believe acupuncture (needles specifically) will hurt. Because of this fear, many people who can use acupuncture are afraid to try it, when actually an acupuncture treatment is not a painful experience at all, and in fact, gets rid of all sorts of pain.
Perhaps you yourself are in pain, but are worried that you can’t handle the thought of needles, and so will pass on the idea of acupuncture altogether.
Before you do that, give this video a view! I believe it can help sooth your worries about needles. As I mention in the video, I was really scared of needles. So how did I wind up an acupuncturist? Watch and find out.
Eric Hollander L.Ac
For more information, contact me here.