While not ideal for acute situations, such as sudden back pain, or for a new patient, a monthly, routine acupuncture treatment has a myriad of health benefits. I have a number of patients who come in to my San Diego Clinic for monthly treatments for many years now. Why is monthly acupuncture so beneficial?
After seeing a patient on a weekly basis, and resolving a health issue, moving to a monthly routine, instead of dropping out of treatment completely, helps to continue consolidating the treatment results for the long term. It allows me to catch up with the patient, and learn about all the new life stresses that may affect them, like new family members, weddings, and new jobs. This helps me treat all the smaller issues, that would else wise not be addressed, until perhaps they turn into big issues. It’s fantastic for stress management, stimulating the immune system, and helping the body adapt to abrupt changes in weather and the seasons.
If nothing is obvious, I look at the tongue and feel the pulse for clues to any imbalances that may exist, and not be readily felt.
Best of all I get to see old patients who have become friends though out the years, and marvel how another month has flown by!
So, if you looking for a low key, low cost way to manage stress, and take some proactive care of yourself, you may want to contact our San Diego office to add the power of acupuncture to your monthly schedule.