Anybody who is having trouble conceiving, or is worried they are having fertility problems, would do well to follow very some good ancient and modern advice.
Consider Chinese Dietary Therapy: If your daily meals resemble the “typical American diet,” chances are that the foods you are eating run counter to what Eastern medicine would consider the optimal diet for fertility. Even so called “health foods” such fruit smoothies are a poor choice according to Chinese dietary principals. Many American women consume a diet loaded with cold, sweet drinks, raw salads, excessive fats and maintain an irregular eating patterns. This can create a sluggish, bloated digestive system, excessive mucus, poor circulation and coldness in the uterus.
Cut down on coffee: Drinking coffee can over stimulate the kidneys. In Chinese Medicine, the strength of the kidneys plays a vital role in the health of the overall reproductive system. In western medicine we know that an over stimulation of the adrenals glands, can adversely affect cortisol levels and your fertility. Green tea makes an excellent substitute for coffee containing a much smaller amount of caffeine. In addition, you avoid all the milk and sugar normally consumed in a latte.
Exercise: With exercise, it is usually a case of too much, or not enough. If you are a lean fitness fanatic who has had a problem with amenorrhea, you may be consuming too much of your bodies energy needed for reproduction. If you are noticing you are gaining weight, fatigued and prefer the couch to getting out and moving, you will defiantly benefit from a moderate exercise program. Exercise moves the blood, increases the energy levels and prevents the formation of fats around the abdomen. Obesity is suspected as a factor in lower ovarian function.
Proper rest and relaxation: The harder you work, or the more you exercise, the more rest and sleep you need. If you don’t give yourself time to recuperate you reserves, you won’t have the extra energy needed to promote pregnancy, and later bring a baby to term. “Relaxation” means taking some downtime from frenetic daily activity. Certain exercise such as Tai chi and Yoga count, as they have a very calming and balancing effect on the nervous system. You can also accomplish nearly the very same thing by doing hobbies that you love, reading a book or just “veging out.”
Develop a positive mental outlook: Having a history of fertility problems usually brings with it a fair amount of mental baggage. It is very difficult to avoid the monthly, mental roller coaster, and not to succumb to depression, if the cycle passes without achieving the goal. However, it is vital to view fertility enhancement as a longer-term project, rather then a monthly mission in order to avoid burnout. Mental states such as anxiety, obsessive thinking and depression have a counterproductive effect on the balance of the, hormones and the nervous system.
Make the most of your acupuncture treatments: When you are having an acupuncture session, view it as part of you relaxation program. Don’t just lie there thinking about all the things you need to get done, or where you need to speed off to next. Focus on abdominal breathing, and being here in the moment. Calm your thoughts and clear you mind. Take a power nap! This is your time to heal.
If you are unsure how to relax yourself, or how to calm your busy mind during your session, ask your acupuncturist. There are some great techniques we can teach you for breathing and general relaxation. And once learned, these methods can be used anytime throughout your day whenever needed.
It’s good to know that with fertility acupuncture, it’s best to exercise. My husband and I are going to give this a try so we can have a baby. I’ll be sure to remember this!